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D-Mack CoolQR is a flexible module that can display **12 Different Types** of QR Codes and does *NOT* rely on ANY external resources to generate the QR Codes (it is completely stand-alone)! Use multiple copies of the module on one page if needed! There are many options to choose from which makes this a great module that will enhance your website and help 'spread the word'!
Easily embed QR Codes into any article using the Joomla! { loadposition ... } functionality. You can use the module on your website or use it to just create the QR codes that you can then save and use in your printed material!
The only requirements for the module are PHP v.5.2+, GD Library enabled and of course Joomla 2.5+.
* 12 Different Types of QR Codes including:
- Current Page URL
- Freeform URL
- Freeform Text
- Phone Number
- SMS Phone Number & Message
- Email Address incl. Subject & Body
- Skype
- Simple vCard
- Comprehensive Extended vCard (with 17 options!)
- Simple vCard with Photo - uses base64_encoding to embed the image right into the QR code
- GEO Location Map - Just enter you address - The module fetches the Longitude + Latitude through the Google Map API
- YouTube Video
**Full Demo with *ALL* 12 QR Codes on ONE page: http://www.dmackmedia.info/extension-demos/cool-qr-code-module.html
* Settings for Pixel Size, Outer Frame Size, Error Correction Level and PNG Quality
* QR Code Background and Foreground color selector options
* Select the position of the QR Code within the module - left, right or center
* QR Code Border options - width, type and color
* Pre and Post HTML text - ALL options, including the titles, can be set to display or not
* QR Code image filename option to allow more than 1 instance of the module on a page
* Caching option to allow for quicker page loads
* Works well using the Joomla! { loadposition ... } function - include many QR Types in 1 article
* Handy Quick Start Guide and Instructions via a pop-up modal window right within the module
* Utilizes the native Joomla! Update functionality
* You do NOT need to register on our site to purchase the module
* As per our strict policy, there are absolutely NO backlinks to our site (and never will be)!
Install like any other module - through the Joomla! Extensions-->Install/Uninstall menu. Then go to Extensions-->Module Manager, click on the D-Mack Convert Currency module and start to set the options you want!
* Be sure to set the module to 'Enabled - Yes' * Be sure to select the 'Position' of where you would like it to be displayed on your site (i.e. left, right, user1, etc.) * Finally, be sure to select which pages (Menu Assignment) you want the module displayed on
You can also 'include' the module in ANY content/Article using the standard Joomla! Content - Load Module Plugin. Here's how:
1. You need to make sure the Load Module Plugin is enabled. Go to Extensions-->Plugin Manager, scroll down and click on the Content - Load Module Plugin. Make sure that 'Yes' is checked beside the 'Enabled' option. Then click the 'Save' button.
2. Go to Extensions-->Module Manager and click on the module. You will need to change the 'Postion' option for the module. Click inside the 'Position' drop-down field. You should see a blinking cursor. Erase the text that is there (backspace or delete) and type in a unique name of your own - I'll use 'modpos1' for this example (you can call the position whatever you want *except* any existing module position - i.e. left, right, etc. will NOT work - it must be unique!). Make sure the Module is Enabled (yes) and then click 'Save'.
3. We will now 'place' the module in a content/article item. Go to Content-->Article Manager and open a content/article item you wish to place the module into. Position the cursor in the content textarea box exactly where you would like the module to appear. It can be within a table, inside of divs, or whatever you want! Then type in the following text {loadposition modpos1} Be sure to include the curly brackets {} and, if you called the module position something else, replace the modpos1 name with whatever name you used in step 2 above. Click 'Save' and you should be good to go!!
The module may not 'scan' properly with a smart device if the QR Code is too small and/or if there is too much data encoded in the image. The 2 possible solutions would be: Position the module so the QR code can be larger -or- Reduce the amount of info in the QR code.
When 2 instances of the module are on one page, the QR images must have unique names, otherwise they will serve the same image and data - there is a 'filename' option in the backend where you can set unique names.
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